Monday, March 5, 2012

Finding Food


You know all those people who eat REALLY healthfully?
I'm talking like Sarah B at My New Roots, Lauren at The Holy Kale Amy at Coconut and Quinoa…my Gram Gram...
organic, wild, whole, aluminum-free, vegan, gluten-free crazies.
You know the type.

The first time I happened upon their kind I was inspired.
Yes! I will completely eradicate white sugar and white flour from my diet. Bean flour, sprouted wheat berries, and goat’s milk? New BFFs!


That was the sound of failure. One look at the ingredient list for Crusted Jerusalem Artichokes with Beluga Lentils, Kale and Harissa--I had a whopping 2 out of 14 of the ingredients in my possession and one of them was pepper. ouch.

Don’t get me wrong. I pride myself in being a pretty healthy gal. Half my grains are whole, fruits and veggies are a must at every meal, we rarely eat out, and I know the name of most every piece of produce available for purchase at Days Market. For crying out loud, people poke fun at my childhood wheat grinding chores and oatmeal pancakes! 
Props. Serious props.

So once I was feeling pretty good about my butter-not-margarine, soda-avoiding self, I thought I’d just call it good. 
Folks, there was a problem. I’d already read all hippie, earth-loving info about not putting bad stuff in my beautifully functioning body.
So what’s a girl to do? 
I’ve decided to make tiny changes, one at a time. That way it’s not overwhelming.

If you’ve felt the urge to improve your eating habits, however awesome or scary they are now, feel free to check in and see how I’m doing.

BY THE WAY: You are not allowed to feel weird about food around me. I don't want to turn into a stress-inducing, oh-she-doesn't-eat-that, health nut. Just keep thinking of me as the nut I've always been. I'm exploring food, not judging it. 
Are you hungry for adventure? Join me!

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